Wednesday, 17 December 2014

What’s going on in the shed?

There’s something deeply disturbing happening in men’s sheds in Ireland. I’m not talking about that wonderful men’s support movement – of Australian origin – that helps men the world over to meet in groups to talk – as they work on a project together in a shed, while enhancing their mental health in the process. Many of our men feel they can no longer go on. They feel unable to cope with the pressures of life. They see no escape and no hope for themselves. They feel isolated. Sadly, many of these men are going to their shed to end their own lives.

While there might be some tiny solace to be taken from the fact that our escalating suicide rate has stabilised, there is certainly no room for complacency. Men aged 45-54 are most likely to die by their own hand. The figures show that our teen suicide rates are the 4th highest in Europe. The €12m spent here last year on suicide prevention is a welcome 20% increase in funding on the previous year. But still, during 2014, a total of 486 people took their own lives here, 399 of them men. In Ireland, men are four times more likely to take their own lives than women. Recently, in a small rural village, 2 men separately went to their sheds and ended their own lives. This village doesn’t need to be identified – because sadly this is an all too common event in contemporary Ireland.

Our men are most likely to die by suicide on Saturday night or Monday morning. Why are men doing this? Some will have experienced or perceive a significant loss or life change during the preceding month or year. Some could have recently experienced breakdown in a significant relationship. Life might have altered – either negatively or positively. Some might be in trouble legally or with the Gardai. And for many, we will never know.

For an individual to die by suicide, they will usually need to hold 3 conditions in mind – over a prolonged period of time. They’ll view themselves as a burden to their family, and/or their friends, and/or society. Secondly, they will feel alienated from others - maybe family, or person/s close to them, their circle of friends, or other valued group. And thirdly, they will have acquired the ability for lethal self-injury. 

When the proverbial hits the fan, many of us men withdraw into ourselves. We become isolated and we don’t reach out. We might be out of touch with our feelings or feel unable to show them. There’s a great myth about – that men don’t have feelings - that we are unemotional beings. This is an insult to every man. Men are capable of the same profound depth of feeling, sensitivity and thought. Some men feel they must always be macho - the perpetual virile hunter-gatherer. This is a one-dimensional view of man - which does us no favours. It serves only to add to feelings of isolation and inadequacy.

We men are less accepting of ourselves when our spirits take a dive. We often turn our anger inwards and not show our despair. In general, we are more capable of violence. Sadly, as we see in the suicide figures, much of our anger is being directed inwards - at ourselves, instead of outwardly – in a healthy, safe and appropriate way.

Many people will flirt with the notion of suicide at some point in their lives. Statements like “I’d be better off gone” or “they’d be better off without me” are commonplace in the therapy room. Having thoughts like these are part and parcel of the human condition – “normal” thought-responses to abnormal stress levels. But the truth is the vast majority of people never act on these thoughts.

Alcohol is involved in around 50% of Irish suicides. Alcohol is both a depressive drug, and a dis-inhibitor. It lowers inhibitions so that we are more likely to do something we would not normally consider. Excessive alcohol and drug use will lower inhibitions to the point where we will act on suicidal thoughts.

In Ireland, we drink to cope with difficult emotions or situations - to change our mood or mental state. But the truth is - alcohol adversely affects our ability to cope with, and overcome everyday stresses and life events. And it contributes to the development of mental health problems – not to their easing – as many think.

Yes, the first drink or two will increase feelings of well-being - but the effects are depressive from then on. Alcohol does not relieve anxiety and depression. It will usually increase them. Also, the more we drink, the more our tolerance of alcohol will increase – so we will need more to alter our mood or to lower our anxiety, thereby deepening the depression and increasing our anxiety in the process.

Men are generally reluctant to reach out for help. Showing vulnerability does not come easily to anybody. But we will seek help for others – because being a helpful team-player comes more naturally. The research shows that programs that appeal directly to suicidal men – to seek help, these programs do not work, whereas community and family geared interventions are more likely to reach the men who need these supports.
Still the word needs to go out to anybody in crisis, male or female: It is ok to seek help. It is ok to talk. It is ok to share our hurt and pain. Thankfully much of the stigma around mental health related issues has lifted. It has become normal and commonplace to discuss our emotional well-being. When overwhelmed and depressed, we need to exercise caution around alcohol. The families and individuals left bereaved by suicide are always left devastated. Nobody ever feels that the deceased person was burdensome. For those in crisis, supports are available and accessible – in local communities throughout the country. Talk to your doctor in the first instance. If you find it difficult to make the call for yourself, do it for the sake of those in your circle. The process is then underway and you have taken the first and most difficult step. Needing a hand from time to time is part and parcel of being human and being alive. Reach out, talk to someone. Don’t go to your shed to suffer silently or violently.

Tom Evans is a father, writer, counsellor, and psychotherapist based in Midleton, Cork, Ireland.

If you have been affected by this article, use these links for support and information: Irish Association for counselling and Psychotherapy
www.samaritans.orSamaritans         National Suicide Research Foundation          Irish Association of Suicidology   Console     Headstrong            Aware             Pieta House       Spun Out      Mental Health Ireland   PIPS Public Initiative for the Prevention of Suicide    Headline - National Media Monitoring Programme for Mental Health and Suicide

Saturday, 18 October 2014

The Reality Behind The Headlines

Have you seen this headline on social media or the tabloids?
"Red alert to parents as convicted child predator arrives in Dublin…with a suitcase full of toys”

I find this kind of headline a bit grating. It’s sensationalist, scaremongering and it propagates the notion that the “predator” is the stranger, an unknown and probably "not from around here". I'm not suggesting that anybody ignore the risk posed by this individual, but sadly, the truth is that children are at much greater risk from those they know and those who they are entrusted to, than the unknown stranger.

That’s a scary and depressing thought and I guess it goes a long way in explaining why we tend to demonise the stranger – who is as different to us in as many ways as possible. It’s easier to get our head around that, rather than confront the actual truth, that when it comes to predators of child sexual abuse, we don’t need to go far to find them.

I’m sure those people who shared the above warning on social media meant well and intended to inform fellow-parents and carers of an increased risk. But the stats show the profound misunderstanding of where the greatest risk dwells, and how the misunderstanding is perpetuated by a media in snappy headlines.

A paedophile is a person whose only sexual interest is in children. The majority of those who sexually abuse children are not paedophiles, but heterosexuals who have adult sexual relationships as well as abusing children. Both types of predator perpetrate heinous crimes on children and cause immeasurable suffering to their defenceless victims. 

Figures provided by support organisations tell the story. Each represents a child who has had a crime perpetrated on them and has suffered an ocean of pain as a result.

One-in-Four (of their Psychotherapy clients, 2012):

o   53% were sexually abused within their own families.
o   8% were abused by family friends or neighbours
o   16% were abused by members of the clergy.
o   9% were abused by professionals (coach, teacher, etc)
o   14% were abused by a total stranger.

Rape Crisis Network Ireland (2007):

o   Girls are much more likely to be abused by a family member (55%).
o   One third of the abuse committed on boys was perpetrated by a family member.
o   Boys are much more likely than girls to be abused by an authority figure, which may include a youth leader, priest, or sports coach.
o   Offenders are overwhelmingly male, at 96%. While the majority of abusers are men, both men and women sexually abuse children.
o   In about a quarter of cases, the abuser is him or herself a child or teenager.
o   In 86% of child abuse cases, the abuser is likely to be well known to the family, if not a family member.

These numbers tell a harrowing story and they show that while the stereotype of the child sexual abuser suggests that they are instantly recognisable as suspect, in fact, in most cases, child sexual abusers appear to be ordinary, trustworthy people and the majority operate very effectively and ‘normally’ in society. Child sexual abusers come from every type of social background. In some cases, they may be socially skilled individuals who take up leadership roles in the community. So, when it comes to protecting your children from sexual abuse, it’s more likely that you will already know the person who is most likely to be the predator.


Parents, we need to be OK with our child shouting words like NO, STOP, I WONT, and I HATE YOU, - at us - from time to time. It is a necessary life skill. Having that permission in place helps them in many ways. It helps their assertiveness and confidence. It helps them to develop awareness of their safety and well-being. 
Kids will be better able to take the right action to protect themselves when they have “rehearsed” many times over, in safety, and in an age appropriate way. Obviously, there are times when it’s inappropriate for children to shout etc at parents, but also, there are times when they are quite entitled to do so. Communication channels need to be open for anything, and us parents need to be able for it all (ouch), if we are to provide the healthiest psychological and emotional training ground for our kids.

Listen to, and hear our children. When we are talking, we’re probably  not listening. Have those quiet moments when you really listen and hear your children – like bedtime. And always believe children. If you're incredulous or shocked at something they tell you, accept it and carry out your own inquiries subsequently.

Encourage children not to keep secrets. Abusers will often develop a strong bond with the child before doing something sexual. They will test the child’s boundaries in some other inappropriate way at first. Explain to children how some secrets are not safe to keep.

Parents need to be involved in their kids activities and know what others are doing with your kids.

Above all else, ask the awkward questions and inquire - always. Our Children's safety is way more important than someone being embarrassed, inconvenienced, or even offended. Children depend on our support in this regard.

A good news story this year in Ireland, is the launch of The Child and Family Agency, called Tusla. This is a statutory organisation, established in January 2014. Under Section 8 of the Act, it is required to support and promote the development, welfare and protection of children, and support and encourage the effective functioning of families. It’s a strong step in the right direction from government, albeit brought about after years of neglect and denial.

Tom Evans is a father, hubby, writer, counsellor, and psychotherapist based in Midleton, Cork, Ireland

If you’ve been affected by this piece or need further information, you can make contact with me, through any of the above, or alternatively, here are some other useful links:

Rape Crisis Network